A Community That Loves Jesus

The mission of The Storehouse Collective is to reignite the spirit of the early Church community, where discipleship, evangelism, and devotion were paramount. We aim to foster Bible-based gatherings, bridging local bodies and kingdom partnerships, free from political and religious constraints, echoing the dedication and abundance seen among the apostles’ teachings.

our vision

Our vision is not just a statement. Discover how our core values shape our mission and unite our community.

  • Loving Community

    We aspire to embody Christ's love, known by our love for one another. Our commitment is to support and create a safe space for each member to be heard and valued.

  • Equipping One Another

    Our community is dedicated to understanding and sharing the Word of God, fostering growth in the knowledge of Christ. We empower individuals to realize their God-given potential and help them bring to life the things that God prompts them to do.

  • Empowering Leadership

    We encourage every member to confidently embrace the authority given to them by God. We strive to be a community that speaks not only in words but also in the power of God, affirming His message. We actively support leadership development in line with divine calling.

  • Evangelism

    Our community is committed to spreading the Gospel to both the lost and those who have found their way in Christ. Through outreach and community events, we endeavor to lead souls to accepting Jesus as Lord of their lives.

  • Discipleship

    We walk alongside each other, fostering mutual accountability and spiritual growth. Our dedication lies in nurturing maturity in faith.

  • Expansion

    Our ambition is for our efforts to ripple outward. We aim to equip and empower individuals not only to join our gatherings but also to initiate their own. We envision a network of Bible-based home gatherings and hospitality spreading throughout Huntsville, where various groups and activities flourish.

Upcoming Outreach Event: Touch of Heaven

Saturday, August 31

Though we are many, we are one body in Christ. Let us maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, standing firm in one Spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, worshiping in spirit and truth, presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.

our latest events

We Can't Wait to Hear From You!

We’re here to listen, support, and connect. Whether you have questions, want to get involved, or simply need someone to talk to, we’re just a message away.
